Tech Show 2024

Subpage Hero - Blue Graphic



Data driven insights - An enterprise approach using AI and Domain knowledge

23 Mai 2024
(Gen) AI for Business
Data driven insights - An enterprise approach using AI and Domain knowledge
Leveraging data to make decisions is a time and resource intensive endeavour. In our presentation we will explain and demonstrate how to be "data-driven" using AI to detect pattern in historical data and beyond how to combine these data insights with company-specific domain knowledge. For example, a business user can ask a data related question to a Virtual Assistant and gets an answer, which is based on the company's data model as well as custom domain knowledge like industry and process descriptions. Look forward to a live demo based on complex healthcare data.
To focus on an Enterprise context, we will show, how to embed AI applications into a scalable and governed environment.
Maximillian Burkardt, Technical Specialist Data & AI - IBM
Jan Geesen, Teamlead Business Analytics - AGAPLESION gAG