The demand for speed and innovation is everywhere. However, that enthusiasm sometimes creates conflict when it butts up against security, resiliency and reliability concerns. In some cases, the dogged
When you are writing a code, you have a very clear target: that the code will run and that the output will be accurate.But have you ever stopped and thought about the language in which you are writing
It is on us, to shape the new energy world, and it comes with significant challenges. I will share with the audience, how E.ON takes its responsibility and translates it into a game changing strategy
How can we build a more inclusive DevOps environment? Understanding the multifaceted nature of diversity is crucial to building a sense of belonging. Join the Women in DevOps team for panel discussion
Trotz Fachkräftemangel im Cybersicherheitsbereich: Der Detection Core mit Anomalieerkennung und KI-gesteuertem maschinellem Lernen als Managed Service löst effizient gestiegene Compliance-Anforderunge
The human centric approach of AI requires a lot of work. This panel will dive into what makes AI Trustworthy in the first place. How can leaders help transforming the business to facilitate trust? How
Karin Immenroth provides an outlook on how RTL Germany uses (Gen)AI to become a data-driven company:AI is an integral part of RTL+, the RTL Germany streaming service. Karin Immenroth shows how knowled
Die Datenerfassung hat in den letzten Jahren in der Sportindustrie stark zugenommen. Während im Baseball die Nutzung von Daten bereits vor über 20 Jahren etablierte, begann der Aufbau von Daten-Teams
The evolving landscape of fraud in the age of e-commerce, highlighting the ever-changing threats that come with the digital era. We stress the importance of agility, preparedness, and the constant nee
The session will provide an overview which cybersecurity measures should be considered when: using AI off-the-shelf tools, in AI creation, in AI implementation in business processes, and which questio
A Modern Data Stack can generate a lot of value for your organization, but only if you have sufficient up-to-date data. A well set up and easy to maintain data integration is the basis for that. In th
In unserer Präsentation "Microservice-basierte Prozesskostenanalyse: Einblick und Effizienzsteigerung" beginnen wir mit einer Erklärung der Entstehungsgeschichte von Instana und geben einen detaillier
As organisations transition to the cloud, navigating the complexities of security, compliance, and operational efficiency becomes paramount. Our panel today will explore how organisations can not only
Leveraging data to make decisions is a time and resource intensive endeavour. In our presentation we will explain and demonstrate how to be "data-driven" using AI to detect pattern in historical data
Auf dem Weg zu mehr Wert aus Daten, Analytics und KI müssen Unternehmen alte Zöpfe abschneiden und neue Wege beschreiten – sowohl fachlich als auch technisch und organisatorisch. Der Vortrag zeigt die
Everybody talks about the importance of data culture. But how do you make this happen? In this insightful keynote Stefanie Babka will talk about how to win the head the heart and the herd.She will sha
Quiet times are long gone and the speed at which companies (have to) operate is constantly increasing. Technological advances, global connectivity and increasing competitive pressure create a constant
In today's fast-paced business landscape, organizations are increasingly reliant on data-driven insights to stay competitive. This presentation delves into the transformative potential of logical data
AI is already reshaping every industry, by augmenting our capabilities, transforming work, and shaping a new world of possibilities. In this session we will talk about how Microsoft's Cloud offering c
AI & ML have been game changers for risk management, advancing productivity by processing unfathomable amounts of unstructured data. However, new gamechangers have entered the field, such as the emerg
Das "Data Driven Enterprise" ist heute nicht mehr nur ein von großen Tech-Konzernen propagiertes Buzz-Word, sondern oftmals auch erklärtes Ziel vieler Unternehmen. Doch wer mit datenbasierten Entschei
Join us to explore the latest advancements in AI and analytics that are reshaping the landscape of data-driven decision-making. In this session, we will showcase how Tableau is redefining analytics, elevating user experience, and empowering organizations to make informed decisions driven by data. Discover how our innovative solutions like Tableau Pulse are revolutionizing the way businesses derive insights from their data, enabling them to stay ahead in today's dynamic market environment.
We'll unveil practical strategies for harnessing data to:
Identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies hindering individual and team performance.
Make data-driven decisions that optimize workflows and processes.
Empower employees with insights to improve their own productivity.
Track progress and measure success with clear data-driven metrics.
Breaking myths and what you must do first before you go forth on your AI journey. In this presentation, we go over the common myths associated with AI and breakdown key steps you must take before AI
Datenprodukte und Data Contracts revolutionieren die Datennutzung und -teilung, indem sie die kundenorientierte Denkweise von Produkt Managern auf Fragen der Datenbereitstellung anwenden. Dieser Vortr
BioNTech aims to create a fully integrated, enterprise-wide capability to discover, design and develop next-generation immunotherapies at scale by leveraging data and AI technologies across the value
The workshop will be interactive, starting with a bit of Ethics in AI introduction, followed by interactive exercises on ethical thinking in Gen AI use cases and context, with, of course, mentions of
Personalisation can be key in captivating user interest. But what is the essence of user interest, and how can we define it? I will show how we answered the question for our specific use case, and how
This talk offers an introduction to generative AI (GenAI), focusing on foundation models - the AI models that power GenAI. It explains how these models are constructed and trained. This groundwork hel
Utilizing the power of Ontologies and GenAI can be a game-changer for organizations empowering their employees to make more informed and data-driven decisions. Treating knowledge as an asset, MobiLab’
In the dynamic world of fashion retail, staying ahead requires continuously adapting to ever-changing trends while keeping customer satisfaction at the forefront. This session, led by Dr. Richa Sharma
Spark is one of the most trusted engines for large scale data processing, yet harnessing its value for AI can be challenging. Kubernetes reduces the need to do costly data migrations as models can easily be moved, but how does a full model lifecycle using spark on kubernetes look like? Visit Netapp and Red Hat’s joint presentation to learn more about how OpenShift AI and Netapp Spark on OpenShift can help you build and run models in production for enterprise.
The utilization of GenAI in an enterprise context presents several challenges. Firstly, enterprises need to ensure compliance with the EU AI Act. Secondly, they encounter various risks associated with
In this talk, the focus is on the Numerai data science tournament - a crowdsourcing hedge fund that uses machine learning to make investment decisions. The tournament is known as the toughest data sci
Discover how to build a resilient AI strategy that thrives on change. We will discuss insights and practical tips for scalable architectures and organizational agility, delving into our extensive work
In this session, we will explore how GenAI investments can foster sustainable business growth, enable scalable implementations, and formulate strategies for long-term success. Key to this success are
Im Vortrag wird die faszinierende Reise eines Flughafens in die Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz mit Microsoft Azure beleuchtet. Die Zuhörer erhalten Einblick in die AI-Strategie des Flughafens, die d
This session explores the transformative potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing airport and airline operations. We will delve into how this cutting-edge technology is
Generative KI-Modellen werden zunehmend für die interne und externe Kommunikation, Content-Erstellung, Datenanalyse und andere Zwecke verwendet. Doch trotz ihres Potenzials zur Effizienzsteigerung und
As the demand for digital transformation continues to grow, BASF recognizes the importance of empowering its workforce to leverage the benefits of Generative AI and other emerging technologies. Jasmin
Stellen Sie sich eine Online-Welt vor, in der Kinder gefahrlos das Internet entdecken können – eine Welt, in der sie sicher surfen, spielen und lernen. Genau diese Vision treibt uns bei Nortal AG an
AI-Powered Conversations Transforming Banking Efficiency. Discover how AI models, specially designed for seamless human interaction, are revolutionizing banking operations. By ensuring natural convers
In today's dynamic business landscape, harnessing the full potential of your SAP data shouldn't be a daunting task reserved only for IT specialists. The presentation "Democratizing SAP Insights: Empow
Many start-ups and organisations are focusing on a "growth-first-strategy". As long as these organisations maintain continuous growth, this does not pose a problem. However, as soon as growth slows or
In unserer Session zeigen wir an praktischen Beispielen mit fünf Apps, wie datengetriebene Ansätze die Arbeitsprozesse verbessern können. Durch echte Kundenprojekte illustrieren wir, wie solche Tools
Data mesh is more of an organizational change than an architectural one. Yet what does it actually mean to install product thinking and federate your data workers?Wannes Rosiers, Data Mesh Learning MV
Join us to discover how Tableau can serve as a catalyst for transforming your organization into a data-driven powerhouse, where data becomes a strategic asset driving innovation, efficiency, and susta
Daten und ihre Wertschöpfung entscheiden über den Erfolg oder Misserfolg von Unternehmen. Obwohl die Bedeutung von Daten erkannt ist, scheitern viele Unternehmen daran, ihre unternehmerischen Potenzia
DATEV eG is a German software service provider and IT consultant, specializing in solutions for tax consultants, auditors, lawyers, and their clients. They offer solutions in accounting, human resourc
In einer Zeit, in der globale Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen, sind die Erhebung von ESG-Daten und die Integration in die Geschäftsstrategie zentrale Herausforderungen fü
Our Data Driven Philosophy & Data Driven Strategy• From data projects to data products• Building a Cloud Native Data Fabric and Data Analytics Self Serve Platform• Building a cross functional agile hu
It should be no surprise that Generative AI will have a profound impact on data management in years to come. Much like other areas of the technology sector, the opportunities presented by GenAI will a
The rapid development of AI promises endless possibilities - not least for extracting business value from your data. But only a few of these possibilities really fit your needs. But how to choose, and
In the last year, the world's buzzing about Machine Learning, with a lot of investments in this area creating new job opportunities, teams and an higher pressure to deliver. Machine Learning Engineeri
This session provides an overview of Snowflake Cortex, Snowflake's innovative platform designed to simplify the development and operation of Gen AI applications. We explore the unique features and cap
Join us for an insightful presentation on the transformative power of AI in supply chain management. In this session, we delve deep into how AI can revolutionize supply chain optimization. Our innovat
Data Mesh Manager is the place where data producers and data consumers come together. Data consumers can find and discover data products in the data product catalog, evaluate the offered datasets by their enforced data contracts, and sign a usage agreement to gain access automatically. Data producers can perform data product controlling by inspecting the costs and usages of their data products and data product governance by tracking the adoption of the global policies. But in the end, Data Mesh Manager is simply the place where you can see your mesh grow.
Wie reden Lokführer:innen und Fahrdienstleiter:innen miteinander? Ähnlich wie im Flugverkehr ist das beherrschen der "Bahnsprache" ein immens wichtiger Bestandteil des Bahnbetriebs. DB Lingua ermöglic
Dieser Vortrag gewährt einen praxisnahen Einblick in die Herausforderungen und erforderlichen Schritte eines internationalen Einzelhandelsunternehmens auf dem Weg zur Zukunftsfähigkeit durch datengetr
In this talk, I will delve into the aviation references we often use in business language. I will discuss three learnings from aviation and how we, as Data & Analytics professionals, can learn from aviation and apply these principles in our work.
Erfahren Sie, wie KI Ihre Planungsprozesse revolutioniert und "Aha"-Effekte schafft! Wir beleuchten die Potenziale und Grenzen von KI in der Planung und wie Sie Ihre Ressourcen optimal nutzen, Engpäss
Join us as we delve into the future of data interaction and explore the transformative power of Microsoft Fabric to unify disparate data sources. Discover how this technology enables us to have dynami
In diesem Vortrag wird skizziert, wie die ALH durch einen strategischen Ansatz das Potenzial generativer KI (GenAI) erschließt. Von der initialen Motivation über die Umsetzung eines spezifischen Use C
With the introduction and ongoing implementation of our Data Strategy, and our technological shift toward cloud-native technologies to support more independent data teams, Lufthansa Cargo needs to re-
The Microsoft portfolio for Data & Analytics is extensive and the portfolio elements currently in use give an indication of the organization's maturity in the use of data. Is on-prem SQL Server my too
AI verändert bereits vieles in unserem alltäglichen Leben. In dieser Session möchten wir Ihnen zeigen, wie verschiedene AI Funktionalitäten Ihre Analytics Anwendungen auf das nächste Level heben. Wir
The first descriptions of the concept of the distributed data mesh were published in 2022. At that time, a lot of people thought about how to implement a data mesh concept in Azure. While there were p
When establishing a new reporting system and introducing data analytics possibilities, it’s important to distress all colleagues on the journey to a data-driven company. In the session is shown on the
Die Schwarz-Gruppe ist das größte Einzelhandelsunternehmen in Europa. Im digitalen Zeitalter ist der Datenschutz für die Schwarz-Gruppe und die in der Europäischen Union (EU) tätigen Unternehmen zu einem vorrangigen Anliegen geworden: Die komplexen und sich ständig weiterentwickelnden internen Systeme enthalten riesige Datenmengen, die eine moderne und zuverlässige Infrastruktur erfordern. In dieser Sitzung werden die Herausforderungen aus der Sicht der Schwarz-Gruppe beleuchtet und wie sie mit Dremio zusammenarbeitet, um eine sichere, unabhängige Daten-Cloud-Lösung aufzubauen.
Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)
Many data warehouses projects fail to deliver value in times of change. It’s important to leverage processes & designs that facilitate resilience. Resilience is the capability of a data warehouse to s
Modern data architectures entail capabilities such as self-service reporting & BI, process automation, AI for users, as well as benefits for the IT such as a smaller time to market for new functionali
Data Lakehouses stellen die Basis für die Daten- und KI Transformation. Typische Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zur datengetriebenen Organisation sind die Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit und die Parallelis
In a fast-moving technological environment, finding the right tools can be challenging for data-driven companies. This is where Microsoft Fabric comes into play — the next gen end-to-end platform com
In the Netherlands, a prominent ministry dedicated to ensuring the country's safety, liveability, and accessibility is embracing Data-Driven Working. This strategic approach enables the ministry to en
In today's data-driven world, the necessity for high quality data has never been more critical. With the surge in AI applications and tailored large language models across industries, the ramification
AI is reshaping how we interact with information, enabling us to input natural language queries and receive well-formulated responses. In this talk, discover the challenges awaiting when chatting with
Eine effektive Datenstrategie ist für KI-Erfolg unerlässlich, da sie qualitativ hochwertige Daten und breite Anwendungsmöglichkeiten sichert. Data Ownership ist für die kommerzielle Nutzung von KI essenziell. Der Data Mesh-Ansatz ermöglicht durch dezentrale LLMs und unterstützende Technologien einen Marktvorteil. Strategische Planung wird durch rechtliche Herausforderungen und die Datenkontrolldebatte zunehmend wichtig. Die Entscheidung für eine zentrale oder dezentrale Machtverteilung wird die KI-Zukunft prägen.
A core objective of Data Mesh is building business-driven data products and data marketplaces. In this session, we'll untangle the complexities surrounding data products and contracts within the Data
Are you facing challenges with performance when conducting analyses on SAP BW with SAC Live Connections? Get ready for a revolutionary solution that will transform your data analytics experience!
In der stetig wachsenden Welt der Daten- und KI-Technologien ist die Auswahl der richtigen Plattform entscheidend für den Erfolg von Unternehmen. Dieser Vortrag präsentiert eine Analyse zweier Ansätze
Join us for an insightful journey into b.telligent's experience with Microsoft Fabric. This 15-minute talk will be packed with practical know-how and hands-on learning from our direct application of L
In the modern age of technologies, AI plays a significant role. Hence it is crucial to cultivate an AI-centric vision within contemporary corporate entities. Such a vision is instrumental in fostering
In einer Welt, in der Daten das neue Gold sind, ist eine effektive Datenstrategie entscheidend für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens. Der Vortrag beleuchtet die Rolle der intelligenten Planungsplattform B
The modern data stack offers a powerful framework for building robust data analytics solutions. This overview explores its key components and best practices for designing resilient pipelines. From dat
Traditional data catalogs don't work. We need a better data management approach that facilitates trust and collaboration between teams. Data contracts specify and enforce data models, semantics, quali
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz und entdecken Sie die entscheidenden 'Do’s & Don’ts' für einen erfolgreichen Einsatz aus erster Hand! In diesem Vortrag teilen die pmOne-Expert
Semantic One entwickelt einen digitalen AI-Assistenten für das Business Reporting, der hinsichtlich Aufbau, Architektur und Clientfunktionalität vollkommen auf sprachgesteuertes Reporting ausgerichtet
ValueWorks ist eine SaaS-Lösung zur Wertsteigerung für die Geschäftsleitung und Investoren. USPs umfassen KI-gestützte Entscheidungs- und Umsetzungsunterstützung auf Basis eines modernen Daten-Stacks
Companies face challenges in transforming abundant data into insights due to time and resource constraints. Scavenger enables users to upload datasets in any format, ask questions like "Why was my pro
Angesichts der wachsenden Bedeutung von Business Intelligence, Analytics, KI und Datenmanagement in der modernen Geschäftswelt fördert der Mitveranstalter der Big Data & AI World, BARC - selbst ein au
To stay competitive in the current economy, businesses need to use data democratization to gain insights through BI and analytics.
Breaking data silos, deriving 360° insights, blending data across business functions, and empowering everyone with insights can truly transform business outcomes.
Artificial intelligence is now augmenting every layer of business intelligence to be more powerful, democratizing access to insights. By adopting a modern BI and analytics platform, businesses can unlock transformative potential and uncover growth opportunities.
Join us to start your BI journey and learn how AI is evolving in the data and analytics domain to meet emerging business needs.
.Discussing what LLMs have brought to our lives compared to classical MLOps. The challenges and opportunities when applying LLMops. Examples of tools and services when working on MLOps/LLMops, discuss
The application of AI in a Data Mesh architecture significantly accelerates its capabilities by enhancing automation, scalability, and intelligence across distributed data environments. This level of
Let's go back in time and then jump a few years into the future: What does "ready for AI" mean today? How will it transform, enrich, or even destroy our work with data and BI? We will dive into severa
In this presentation, we will first present the fundamental framework that is essential for the successful operation of a low-code platform, particularly in the context of the Microsoft Power Platform
In dieser Session zeigen Christoph Kleine und Julian Schütt auf, warum die Themengebiete Analytics und Cloudtechnologien eng zueinander gehören. Die Vorteile der Cloud können 1:1 bei der Umsetzung un
In an era where data is the new currency and artificial intelligence the new frontier, fischer, a renowned fixing solutions manufacturer, embarks on a transformative journey into the realms of AI and
With the growing need for organizations to become data-driven and embrace AI, Data Governance is still a trending topic in the market, although it is only part of the ultimate answer. In his role at P
With the emergence of generative ai, everyone is looking for compute power. the mystical cloud offers flexibility in scaling but lacks in terms of accessibility, latency, and cost-effectiveness.nik, c
During this session, we will delve into the current business challenges surrounding AI adoption, including data management, scalability, and performance bottlenecks. We will then explore how Exasol's
AI makes special demands - and not just in terms of computing power and human expertise. For AI to be used successfully, a number of aspects must be taken into account in order to minimise the risks o
Unternehmen haben es mit einer zunehmend komplexen Bedrohungslandschaft zu tun. Viele scheitern an der Selbsteinschätzung von Sicherheitsrisiken aufgrund isolierter Bedrohungsinformationen sowie einer
Why do you need cloud security? In this presentation, Tom Hofmann illustrates the extent to which our daily communication runs via the cloud and shows what consequences arise if the usual communicatio
As cloud computing advances, businesses navigate the intricate balance of efficiency and data security. Delve into how pioneering solutions are revolutionizing efficiency and security paradigms in the
Many (esp. ISV) companies are facing the challenge Legacy2Cloud and also thinking of outtasking Managed Cloud topics. Why? How What? This talk will demonstrate the journey from Legacy2Cloud and show i
Did you know that developers spend, on average, less than 25% of their time coding? Join us as we explore how to boost developer productivity. We'll cover what developer productivity means, how to mea
This talk addresses the challenges faced by platform teams who are under pressure to deliver results quickly amidst a rapidly evolving technological landscape. It will focus on ways to overcome obstac